Saturday, 15 February 2014

Week 6 - International Jobs and Roles

          UNICEF as an international organization has been involved in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. I am particularly excited about their support for children’s health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education and total protection of children from violence. To educate children is to educate the future; I am willing to find job placements that will assist me to contribute to the process of educating the children of the world and contributing to building a healthy, well developed generation. I got a vacancy for a Chief Education officer job in Beijing, China. The position is for highly skilled professional who will strategically direct, lead and manages a diverse team to support the education goals of the country. It is a leadership role that will enable the professional to work in partnership with government and other development partners to develop policies that will reform the education sector and grant equality to all.
The skills and competencies expected in this position are diverse. It includes effective communication skill and high level leadership and supervisory qualities that involve ability to build an effective team, be able to motivate and empower others. Persuasive and negotiating skills are expected which includes engaging and informative formal public speaking. I need to learn networking and collaboration in a multi-cultural environment and be an achiever.

 World Health Organization - WHO
        For World Health Organization (WHO), caring for children is fundamental because children are the future of the society, any genuine concern for their healthy growth and development is a concern for the well being of the society. Children are victims of violence, malnutrition and several infectious diseases, and WHO has taken up the challenge of effectively helping to prevent or treat those diseases. WHO directs and coordinates health matters within the United Nations and works to formulate policies to help the nations and also provide technical support to those countries and monitor their progress.
WHO advocates for early child development to be integrated in national and international policies aimed at improving population health and achieving greater health equity for all. I did not see any relevant job/role advertised on their site, but I love to be involved in such a powerful international organization that cares for young children’s health and development. I like to have a role that impacts young children and their healthy development. I love to work in communities to advocate for the well-being of mothers so that they are in a position to care properly for their children. Poverty is a big issue in early childhood, and I like to advocate for more funds for education so that all children can have equal access to quality early childhood care and education. I need leadership skills and networking skills to be effective in this role.

 Association of Childhood Education International – ACEI
      I love the Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) and look forward to an opportunity for full participation in their programs to enable me impact the children of the world positively. This association is a global community of educators and advocates who come together to use their knowledge, experiences and perspectives to advocate for the well-being of children. They also work with educators and promote professional growth and development that influence the children from birth to early adolescence.
Their unique vision is that every child in every nation will have access to a quality education that will prepare children to become responsible and engaged citizens and ready them for life in a changing world. This is no mean vision; if this is achieved then the future of the world is colorful and really bright. It is good to be a part of such noble goal. I did not see vacant positions advertised but I can be involved in the Education for All project, research and agency efforts leading to child’s rights and reforms.
Association of Childhood International -


  1. Dear Mercy-
    It was interesting to read about the Association of Childhood Education International as I wasn't aware of this organization. It's great to see an organization put forth such advocacy and passion towards an issue that our nation struggles with. My hope is for every child to have the opportunity to quality education. Thank you for sharing this information Mercy!

  2. Dear Mercy,

    I found your post interesting. I am interested in the position of Chief Education Officer Job, the roles and responsibility. The skills like networking, communication, leadership, collaboration in multi-cultural environment and negotiation which are acquired on this course, this bring to lot of relevance the ongoing master’s program. I visited the ACEI site and could not find job opportunities; however there is opportunity for internship. The Internship program is very rich and a golden opportunity if pursuing a graduate degree.
    Interns are given the opportunity to gain work experience consisting primarily of online research and data gathering that will contribute to the development of briefing papers and other types of resources. In addition to their day-to-day assignments, interns will have the opportunity to attend various meetings related to childhood education. Interns should be enrolled in a graduate degree program that focuses on global education issues with a particular interest in children's education. A focus on one specific aspect of childhood education, such as basic education or early childhood development, is also acceptable. Interns who have had some international experience(s) working or living outside the U.S., are preferred. Internships typically range from 8 -12 weeks. All interns must reside in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area during their assignment and are responsible for arranging their own housing and transportation. Interns are based at the ACEI Headquarters located at 1101 16th Street NW, Washington DC, 20036, a few blocks north of the White House. ACEI offers a monthly stipend –

  3. Hi Mercy,
    Thank you for sharing about WHO and ACEI as I was unfamiliar with these organizations. I think that it is wonderful that WHO is looking after the well being of children and making sure they receive proper nutrition and are free from harm. I like how ACEI's goal is to help children become responsible and engaged citizens. Most organizations mention instilling respect and responsibility in children but reading about children becoming engaged citizens was new for me. I think that children do need to be engaged and take an active role as citizens rather than expect others to take action. As we have learned through our various classes at Walden being an advocate is important so teaching children to advocate and become engaged early on in life is important.

  4. Hi Mercy,

    I enjoyed your insightful information of your organization choices. They all seem very exciting and dedicated to the welfare of children. I found it very interesting to see how many international opportunities there are for early childhood educators. It would take a true dedication to work overseas. It is nice to know the possibilities are endless, if desired. Thank you and many blessings! Cindy Rube
