Saturday, 1 February 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

I am attracted to three organizations:

1.      Center for Child Care Workforce

All the personnel in the early childhood education and care profession are in the business of shaping the future. The future is so important that it cannot be ignored. Many other things can wait but building and caring for young ones with intent and purpose cannot wait, they are in our hands right NOW, The Center for the Child Care Workforce caught my attention and I desire to partner with them. They are concerned for the welfare and due compensation of  professional and so they champion policies, training s and research that are relevant to the development of early childhood care. They are the voice for the workforce. I hope I can be involved as an administrator/trainer to ensure that policies match with practices and professionals are adequately trained and challenged to provide quality services to our next generation.

2.      The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
This is a researched based organization. They conduct research and influence high quality and effective childhood education in many meaningful ways to support policies and offer assistance to educators, journalists and researchers. They monitor and evaluate national and state educational goals. The Institute is immersed in research, and I look forward to playing major role as Research Executive to support the Institute in new research and analysis of current trends and issues of early childhood.

3.      National Association for the Education of Young Children
This is a strong and committed advocacy association for young children professionals. Every child deserves the best. They have issued several position statements on every issue pertaining to early childhood education and professional development of personnel. They have processes of accreditation and discipleship. I can fit into many roles and will like to get involved not as a policy maker, but create time also for the children. Professionals gather to share ideas, they are interested in professional development and also manage the process. of in-service training.


o    Center for Child Care Workforce. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

The National Institute for Early Education Research  -

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (n.d.)Retrieved November 28, 2011, from


  1. I also came across the organizations that you have posted. Being a trainer for any of them would be exciting and help in having a widespread positive influence on the field of early childhood. I see that you would like to be involved in policy-making. I am interested in knowing more about policy-making as well. Have you had any experience in that area? Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello Mercy-
    I too found the National Institute for Early Education Research to be very valuable. It was so refreshing to learn more about the initiative and advocacy that the programs represented. Often times we want change, but don’t take action. There were many dedicated and honorable individuals stepping up to create social change within our schools and communities. Thank you for sharing Mercy!

  3. Hi Mercy,
    I did not research the organizations you researched this week but I was familiar with them. I agree that we cannot wait when it comes to the future of children as that will only harm the children and their educational journey. I like that you are interested in becoming a trainer to help with policies to ensure quality education. Policy writing is not something that I feel drawn to so I am glad that there are people like you who feel that this is an area they will excel in. Thank you for spreading the word about these wonderful organizations!

  4. Hi Mercy,

    Thank you for sharing detailed information on your three organizations. These are very helpful and will be added to my list of future resources. It is amazing how we all select similar, as well as, different associations. Due to the large number, this is great way to learn about various groups from fellow colleagues. With this research, I never realized how many job opportunities might be available. These could make for an exciting change for the future. I admire your desire to pursue an active role in leadership and policy making. I know you would be an amazing asset to any of the organizations. Thanks for sharing! Cindy Rube
