around the world.
The Early Childhood Development Virtual
University (ECDVU) is attractive to me to explore because the other sites are
operated in advanced countries, and I will like to see what other countries especially
Africa has to offer. The site is being managed
by the University of Victoria. It is an innovative and multifaceted approach to
addressing ECD capacity building and leadership development in Africa. The sites are detailed with many components of research.. Early Childhood Development has gained international recognition and the field is being developed to improve the quality of life for children and their families. are detailed with many components of research.. Early Childhood Development has gained international recognition and the field is being developed to improve the quality of life for children and their families.
I found out that a lot of researches are going
on in different areas to find solution to the many issues of early childhood in
Africa. This they do through seminars, discussions and teachings at all levels
of training for teachers and those who work with children. General areas of focus include curriculum
development, childhood development and many countries like Tanzania, Kenya, and
Nigeria are still looking at the issues of personnel development, role of culture
and impact of play in early childhood. Basic survival issues are still being
examined. The research topics vary
greatly from country to country, and I think it depends on their varied needs,
nonetheless, it is noteworthy that a lot of positive efforts are being made by
these countries to improve early childhood.