Looking at play from different perspectives, these quotes touch me.
“Children learn by doing, and play is their work”
- Author unknown
“Play is the only way the highest intelligence of human kind can unfold”
- Joseph Chilton Pearce, Contemporary American Scholar.
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”
- Plato, Greek Philosopher, 427 – 347 BC.
Play is life and an essential aspect of development. Over the years, in the early years, parents and other people have encouraged and supported play in different ways. Parents send out their children to play during the day, they run around the neighborhood, and boys play with anything in sight kick stones, buckets as balls and girls play like mothers, cook in the pretend kitchen, nurse and care for babies.
Play today if at all it exists in the true sense, is different from yesteryear s. Most of what children call play is continuation of academic exercise. Television, computers and play stations have taken the show today and many children spend a lot of time on it. It is not creative and does not build imagination totally.
I enjoyed outdoor play a lot as a child. Then, there was free movement without fear; neighborhood was safe for everyone, we climb trees, run to streams, pretend a lot and use anything as props. It was fun and great learning opportunity. It is different today in many ways.