Saturday, 12 November 2011

Nutrition and Malnutrition

This is an essential part of Public health. The effect of nutrition does not just stay with the individual; it has lasting consequences on the community and nation as a whole. Imagine, if a woman is malnourished during pregnancy, or if her child is malnourished during the first two years of life, the child's physical and mental growth and development may be slowed. This cannot be made up when the child is older – it will affect the child for the rest of his or her life. Good nutrition is the first line of defense against numerous childhood diseases, like diarrhea, measles, pneumonia and respiratory diseases etc which can leave their mark on a child for life. In the area of cognitive development, when there isn't enough food, the body has to make a decision about how to invest the limited foodstuffs available t. Survival comes first, Growth comes second. In this nutritional triage, the body seems obliged to rank learning last, and so the skills of communication, ability to think analytically, socialize effectively and adapt to new environment is jeopardized. This is the reason why I believe we cannot ignore focusing on good nutrition and educating our women about it.
Malnutrition is an abnormal physiological condition caused by deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in energy, protein and/or other nutrients. Undernutrition is when the body contains lower than normal amounts of one or more nutrients i.e. deficiencies in macronutrients and/or micronutrients. The most pervasive form of malnutrition to date in the poorest countries is undernutrition. Malnourished or undernourished children are not able to grow functionally and will eventually cost the resources of the nation in various intervention measures later.
The effect of under nutrition on young children (ages 0-8) can be devastating and enduring. It can impede behavioral and cognitive development, educability, and reproductive health, thereby undermining future work productivity. Since growth failure occurs almost exclusively during the intrauterine period and in the first two years of life, preventing stunting, anemia, or infections calls for interventions, which focus on the very young and their mothers. Attention should be on what mothers feed on in pregnancy that can affect the proper development of their fetus and impede their own optimal health during delivery.
Good nutrition and good health are very closely linked throughout the lifespan, but the connection is even more striking during infancy. Over half of child mortality in low-income countries can be attributed to malnutrition. Nutritional deficiency leads majorly to Anemia and various infections which affect the productivity of the whole nation.
 Many of the most prevalent infections and diseases -- acute diarrhea, malaria, measles, and intestinal parasites-- tend to achieve their highest incidence during the early childhood (here defined as from birth to age eight) phase and claim millions of young lives a year. Stunted physical growth and development have been traditionally viewed as the major consequence of ill health in early childhood, but there is now growing recognition that there are also consequences for mental and intellectual development. The long-term consequences of events in early childhood for human capital and productivity are difficult to assess directly, but associations have been shown with proxy measures such as physical growth. Stunting is associated with reduced physiological capacity and work output, and reduced physical growth and poor educational achievement both have negative consequences for employability. 
I looked at different parts of the world and found out that nutrition is a world concern. Africa, Asia and some developing countries are facing grave danger. Direct focus is on the horn of Africa by the World Food Program (WFP). The Horn of Africa encompasses Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Kenya. It’s one of the most food insecure regions in the world, characterized by frequent droughts and conflict. Concern about the impact of drought in the region escalated in June, when the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, FEWSNET, reported that this year was among the driest since 1950. About 750,000 people may die of starvation and these include children.
Drought in the Horn of Africa, coupled with conflict in Somalia, has affected over 13 million people. WFP is implementing food operations in five countries in the region (Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda).
I find this quotation very touching and highly relevant. Think about it.
"We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the foundation of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made and his senses are being developed.

To him we cannot answer 'Tomorrow'. His name is 'Today'."

Gabriela Mistral, 1948
Let us provide good nutrition today.


  1. Hi Mercy,

    you have a lot of important information on nutrition and malnutrition. It is very disturbing to know that there are many children in different parts of the world that are malnutrition. As you stated it is important that pregnant women eat foods that provides the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. There are so many countries still starving because of the lack of food, I hope that one day every country will have more than enough to provide for families and their children.

  2. I love the quote that you included in your blog post!!! I found it to be very powerful and inspirational. Good nutrition during a woman's pregnancy is very important and a topic I feel very strongly about. When I was pregnant I was very conscious of my diet as I wanted to make sure I was consuming foods with high amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Often I would be considered to be overly cautious and too structured about my diet. Although this may have been true, once my son was born and his postnatal tests showed results of a healthy baby boy; I was proud that I did everything I could during my pregnancy to provide him with healthy nutrition for his growth and development.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, Mercy. Your post gave me an insight that issues about nutrition are not only important for the individual, but is also important at the community and national levels and affects the people at all points during their life span. I believe that mulnutrition in childhood harms children's development in more ways than their physical development and health conditions.

